Friday, December 4, 2009

Ephemera: Illustration cards

I came across these quaint and pretty "cartes publicitaires illustrees" in my endless quest for ephemera.I believe they are advertisement cards of some sort (my french is rudimentary).Very charming....more here.


I was on my way out the library door today when this gorgeous book caught my eye.I love having fresh flowers in my home but my mischievous cat loves to behead them....even pretty silk ones.Guess pictures will have to do.Images from Flowers for the Home by Prudence Designs.

Artist: Julia Pott

I thought these playful illustrations by Julia Pott looked wintery and festive in their Icelandic sweaters.....she has prints and cards available for sale in her Etsy store.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Photographer: Ellen Silverman

Delightful photos by Ellen Silverman.....serene and spare yet engaging.Even the s'mores tantalize.....Images by Ellen Silverman

More Seasonal Finery

As I mentioned in prior posts, I am a big fan of Christmas.... above are images indulging my yuletide passion. Sources: 1. a field journal 2. housemartin 3. designismine 4. alguma bossa

Gudrun Sjoden

This is my second post on Gudrun Sjoden, a company out of Sweden with clothing and home decor items inspired by places such as Bhutan, Uzbekistan and Mongolia .I am so enamored with their look that I thought their christmas items and home furnishings deserved another viewing.So here they are....again. Some images also from an Indian Summer........